摘要:大家好,四六级考试就要开始啦!阁主( ID:hujiangcet)来给大家撒翻译干货啦!今日主题:四六级翻译必背分类话题词汇,写作也可以用到,大家背起来~ 沪江英语四六级原创,未经授权,禁止转载。 一、四六级翻译考情…
…的基石 the cornerstone of
为了纪念… in memory of sb, to the memory of sb, commemorate
以...命名 be named after
构成 constitute;make up
由...组成 be composed of
必不可少的 essential, indispensable, fundamental
古代 (in) ancient times
随着时间的推移 as time goes by
从那时起 since then
悠久的历史 with a long history,have a long history
世代相传 pass down from generation to generation
深远的影响 profound/significant influence/impact 、
大量 a large number of; a multitude of; a great many
影响 affect; impact;influence
…的象征 the symbol of
追溯到 date back to, trace back to
起(来)源于 be originated from/in;derive from
兴盛于 prosper in
社会地位 social status
据记载 according to historical records
文化交流 cultural exchange
各地差异很大 vary from region to region(place to place)
风俗习惯 customs
传统节日 traditional festivals
传统手工艺 traditional handicrafts
重要场合 important occasions
传说... legend has it...
民间艺术 folk art
中国传统民间表演 traditional Chinese folk performance
汉字 Chinese character
色彩丰富 ... in rich colours
罕见 uncommon
风格独特 unique style
地方特色 local features
模仿 imitate
熟练配合 work together skillfully
普及 spread widely
最早流行 first become popular in
盛行 prevail in
享誉全球 be very famous throughout the world
笔墨纸砚 writing brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone
封建社会 feudal society
皇帝 emperor
宗教信仰 religious beliefs
思想学派 school of thought
思想核心 the core of the ideology
代表人物 representative
文学作品 literary works
儒家思想 Confucianism
儒家文化 Confucian culture
道家 Daoism
法家 Legalism
传统美德 traditional virtues
尊敬老人 respect the elderly
尊老爱幼 respect the old and love the young
礼物馈赠 give presents
脚踏实地 be down-to-earth
道德 morality
散发 give off
国际游客 international tourists
中国文化 Chinese culture
享有…的声誉 enjoy a high reputation for...
蓬勃发展 boom;flourish;thrive
被誉为 be honored/crowned as
占据重要地位 occupy a significant place; play a significant role
与…密不可分 be closely associated with
增进友谊 enhance friendship
位于、坐落于 be located in/at
雄伟壮观 magnificent/glorious/spectacular
海拔 above sea level
幅员辽阔 have a vast territory
距离...公里 ** kilometers away from...
水域面积 water area
发源于 originate in/from
发祥地 birthplace
诞生地 cradle
流经 run through
注入 empty into
古代文明 ancient civilization
繁荣地区 prosperous region
栖息地 habitat
宏大 splendid, grand
气候湿润/温暖/干燥/温和 moist/warm/dry/mild climate
干旱 drought
风景独特 unique scenery
蜿蜒 wind through
传奇神秘 legendary and mystery
稀有的 scarce, rare
自然景色 natural beauty/scenery
丝绸之路 the Silk Road
文化遗迹 cultural heritage
文物古迹 cultural relics and historic sites
保存最完好的 best-preserved
濒危物种 endangered species
景点 scenic site
旅游景点/目的地 tourist spots;tourist destination
度假 take a vacation
开阔视野 broaden one’s horizon
翻山越岭 climb mountains and hills
海上丝绸之路 the Maritime Silk Route / the marine Silk Road
运往海外 be transported overseas / be shipped overseas
探亲访友 pay a visit to relatives and friends
扫尘 sweep the dust
买年货 buy necessity for Spring Festival
欢度 celebrate... / the celebration of
一边……一边 while
驱除厄运 get rid of bad luck
由于 due to
推断 infer用于 be used for
用……制作 be made of
是...首选 be the first choice of
与……有关 be related to …
年夜饭 the dinner on New Years Eve
团圆饭 family reunion dinner
团聚 family reunion
家庭观念 family concept
照看 look after
红包 red envelope
发红包 hand out red envelopes
承载愿望 carry wishes for
美好祝福 good wishes, blessings
伴随...一生 accompany ones whole life
结婚典礼 wedding ceremonies
中国汉族人 China’s Han ethnic people
姓 family name
名 given name
中国菜 Chinese cuisine/food
饮食文化 food culture
色香味 color, aroma, and taste
热气腾腾的 steaming
菜系 cooking style
烹饪方法 cooking technique
配料 ingredients
材料和工具 materials and tools
传统习俗 traditional custom
象征 symbolize/signify
令人羡慕的 enviable, admirable
团结 unity
繁荣兴旺 prosperity
生活美满 pleasant life
生意兴隆 booming business
安定的 peaceful
仪式 ritual
礼仪 manners
优雅 elegance/elegant
农历 lunar calendar
灯谜 lantern riddles
赏月 enjoy the moon;注意欣赏景色的赏,一般用enjoy
宫廷the imperial court / the Palace
明代 the Ming Dynasty
皇帝 the Emperor
皇宫 the imperial court / imperial palace
宫廷厨师 royal cooks / royal chefs
烹饪技术 the cooking skills
日臻 day by day gradually
均有供应 can be supplied in... / can be served in...
来自全国各地 from all over the country / from all parts of the country
事实上 in reality / in fact/ actually
白酒 liquor
国宴 the state banquets
酿造 brew / make
西汉时期 the Western Han Dynasty
高质量的 high-quality
把它贡给皇帝 offer it for the Emperor as a tribute / present it to the emperor
唐朝 the Dang Dynasty
地方酒 local liquor
味道柔和 a mild flavor
一种特殊的香味 a unique fragrance / a special fragrance
适量饮用 moderate drinking / drink properly
缓解疲劳 relieve fatigue
镇静 tranquility / calm down
广受....的喜爱 enjoy the great popularity / be widely loved by
近年来 in recent years; over the last few years
随着…的发展/提高 with the development/improvement of…
出现 emergence;rise;advent
显著地 dramatically
极大地 greatly; significantly;tremendously;dramatically
稳步(地) steadily;stably
增长 increase;rise;grow
调查显示 according to surveys:surveys show that
商品 commodity
付款 make a payment;pay a bill
成本/费用/开支 cost
增长率 growth rate
可持续发展 sustainable development
最发达地区 the most developed regions
面积和人口 size and population
聚集区 gathering area
改革开放 reform and opening up
主要经济区域 leading regional economies
制造中心 manufacturing centers
主要交通工具 main means of transportation
具有…的优点 have the advantages of…
高铁 high-speed train
地铁站 subway station
公共交通 public transport
开始流行 become popular
见证 witness
超过 exceed
费用 expense
基础设施 infrastructure
生活水平 living standard
平均收入 average income
购买力 purchasing power
网购 online shopping
电商巨头 e-commerce giants
打折 give/offer a discount
用现金/信用卡付款 pay by cash/credit card
快递 express delivery
消费方式 pattern of consumption
消除贫困 alleviate poverty/poverty alleviation
跟团游 package tour
自由行 independent travel
社会保障 social security
就业 employment
外出务工人员 migrant workers
理财 Financial management,manage finance
国内外消费者 the consumers at home and abroad / the domestic and foreign consumers
通信网络 communication network
快速发展 fast/rapid/rocketing development/growth
阅读方式 way of reading; reading habit
因此 as a result; consequently
移动支付 mobile payment
手机购物 mobile shopping;shopping on mobile phones
拓宽 broaden; expand; enlarge
考研热 post-graduate mania
竞争激烈 fierce competition
多数 most / the great majority of
名牌大学 prestigious universities
考研 take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools
国外学习 study abroad
参加国际交流项目 participate in international exchange projects
必修课 compulsory course
专业课 specialized course
课外活动 extracurricular activities
督促 push/urge
为…做贡献 contribute to
自我修养 self-cultivation
改善设施 improve facilities
十分重视 attach great importance to
不仅…而且… not only…but also…
花时间做某事 spend time (on / in) doing sth.
情愿 be willing to
继续做某事 continue to
专注于 be devoted to
不遗余力 spare no effort/do one’s best
因材施教 individualized quality education
过度依赖 overreliance/overdependence on; rely too heavily on
人工智能 artificial intelligence(AI)
人脸识别 facial recognition
高等教育 higher education
网络课程 online course
在线学习 online learning
教育公平 education equality
智能手机用户 smartphone user
电子设备 electronic device
对...上瘾 be addicted to...
虚拟世界 virtual world
新兴的 emerging
网民 netizen
发展潜力 development/ growth potential;potential to develop/grow
创新 innovation
即时通讯 instant communication
兼职 part-time jobs
积累经验 accumulate experience
减负 reduce study load
早恋 puppy love
预测 predict;forecast
便于携带 be easy to carry; portable
趋势 a trend, tendency
肥胖 obesity
慢性病 chronic disease
快走 fast walking
生活方式 lifestyle
健身 bodybuilding
器官捐献 organ donation
捐献 donate
老年人 the elderly; the aged; senior citizens
忽视 neglect; ignore; overlook
延缓衰老 slow down aging
症状 symptom
体检 physical examination
鼓励 encourage;stimulate
骑行 cycling
共享经济 sharing economy
雾霾 haze/smog
红色预警 red alert
食品安全 food safety
空气污染 air pollution
导致 cause; result in; lead to; give rise to
有助于 help(to)
治愈 cure/heal
交通拥堵 traffic congestion
节能环保 energy saving and environmental protection
社交 socializing; social interactions
位于:be situated/located at/in
重视/强调/讲究:attach great importance to
重要文化遗产:major/important cultural heritage
发挥了重要作用:play an important role in
象征意义:symbolic meaning
大多数:most of; the majority of
以……为基础/背景:set in
基于:based on
发源于/起源于:originate from/in, sth is the birthplace/cradle of,start in
来源于:be derived from
出处: origin
兴起于...,兴盛于 emerge in... and prosper in
公元前/后…世纪上/下半叶: the first/second half of the …… century B.C/ A.D.
建立(商业关系/朝代等):establish, build
以…命名:be named after;name after
一种方式:a type of
贵族:aristocratic families
兴衰:rise and fall
封建社会:feudal society
事实上:as a matter of fact
国界:national boundary
生动感人:vivid and touching
种类繁多:a great variety of; a wide range of
以…闻名:be renowned/famous/known for
享有盛名:be well known, be highly reputed, be preeminent
广泛使用:be widely used
被...所知:be familiar to
熟悉:be familiar with
享有...的美誉:enjoy a good/high reputation
对…极其重要:be of vital importance/significance to; be vitally important to
…具有…的特点:... be marked/characterized/featured by ...
占地面积:cover an area of
幅员辽阔:a vast territory
省会:provincial capital
蓄洪池 flood basin;a place for flood storage
海拔......米:... meters above sea level;at the altitude of...
淡水湖:freshwater lake
咸水湖:saltwater lake
繁荣的/蓬勃发展的/辉煌的:thriving, prosperous, flourishing,splendid
成千上万的:thousands of
吸引来自世界各地的游客:attract/allure/draw tourists from all around the world
吸引:appeal to; attract/draw
有吸引力的:attractive/ appealing
珍稀:valuable and rare
九朝古都:the ancient capital of nine dynasties
封建统治阶级:the feudal ruling class
人与自然协调发展:coordination between humanity and nature
促进交流:promote exchanges
一代又一代:from generation to generation
广泛而持久的影响:wide and lasting impact
促进文化传播:promote the spread of culture
观赏:view; appreciate
高度简练:highly compact
形式固定:structurally fixed
不畏艰难/砥砺前行:forge ahead with no fear of hardship
皇家园林:imperial gardens
诗人画家常用的/喜欢的题材:a main/ popular/ favorite subject for poets and painters
高尚品德:noble character
恰当的: proper
二十四节气:24 solar terms
手工业:handicrafts industry
家庭装饰:home decoration
从....获取灵感:draw/gain/take inspiration from...
文学创作:literary creations
历史人物:historical figure
主要人物:main character
民间艺术:folk art
丝绸之路:Silk Road
瓷器:porcelain, china
文化交流:cultural exchanges
宫灯/花灯:palace/festival lantern
文学名著 :literature masterpiece
历史事件:historical facts
京剧:Peking Opera
大家庭:extended family
科举考试:imperial examination
官员选拔:officials were selected
孝道:filial piety
家庭伦理:familial ethics
四大发明:the Four Great Inventions
汉字:Chinese characters
中国书法:Chinese calligraphy
中国文学 Chinese literature
成语:Chinese idioms
统一的书写形式:a common written form
北方方言:northern dialects
南方方言:southern dialects
唐诗:Tang poetry, poetry of the Tang Dynasty
主要由…构成:the majority of… is
日益严重:get worse; deteriorate;
...(问题)严峻:severe; serious;become increasingly severe
...不足,缺少,缺乏:shortage/lack of; deficiency in/of sth
发展迅速/经历了快速发展:...has/have undergone rapid development/growth
可持续发展:sustainable development
经历巨大变化:undergo dramatic changes
前所未有的 :unprecedented
带来、引起:bring about, give rise to, trigger
取得辉煌的成就:make amazing achievements
全球影响力:global influence
越来越多的:a rising number of
越来越多样:increasingly diverse; a growing variety of
独特的地位:unique status
缩小与…的差距:narrow the gap between ... and
逐渐演变为:evolve into
占…比例:account for
共计:a total of
突出优势:an outstanding/a distinct advantage
be an essential/indispensable/inseparable/integral part of
公布:release; publish
推出: introduce; roll out; bring into use
鼓励:encourage; urge; stimulate
定期:regularly; at regular intervals; on a regular basis
交通管制:traffic control
交通拥堵:traffic congestion
新能源汽车:new energy vehicle
逐年:year by year; year after year
移动互联网技术:mobile Internet technology
商业模式:business model
人口增长迅速:population ballooned
网上/手机银行:online/mobile banking
社会和谐:social harmony
舆论导向:direction of public opinion
外出打工人员:migrant worker
采取措施:take measures/steps
中产阶级:middle class
作物产量:crop yields
出台新规:introduce/enact new policies
义务教育:compulsory education
必修课:required/compulsory course
选修课:elective/optional course
高分低能:high scores and low abilities
知识产权:intellectual property rights
信息革命:information revolution
人工智能:artificial intelligence
虚拟现实:virtual reality
消费方式:pattern of consumption
和谐并存 harmonious coexistence
财富分配:wealth distribution
保持…的经济增速:maintain a GDP growth rate of
快速增长的:soaring; fast-growing
明显的增长:significant/marked/notable increase/growth
急剧上升、蓬勃发展:surge, soar, surge
排名第一:rank first in/among
不断变化和增长的需求:the ever-changing and growing demand
在…的支持下: with the support of
经济结构调整:adjustment of economic structure
消除贫困:eliminate poverty
改造:renovate; reconstruct; revamp
加大对……的投资:increase/ramp up investment in
增加…的数量:increase/boost the number of
实施(政策):implement ...
沿袭…的模式:continue with the model of
经济高速发展:rapid development of Chinese economy
综合国力增强:rapid development of comprehensive national strength
预见:predict; forecast
融入:be integrated into
国际地位不断提高:international status keeps on increasing
高度评价:speak highly of
互惠互利:mutual benefit
商界:business communities
市场占有率/份额:market share
资源配置:allocation of resources
自助服务系统:self-service/self-help system
综合经济实力:the comprehensive economic strength
最大的经济体:the largest economy
企业家:the entrepreneurs
试验田:experimental plot
试点项目:pilot project
支付,付费:pay; make payments
一带一路:The Belt and Road
经济发达:economic boom
商业繁荣:commercial prosperity
社会稳定:social stability
总计/达到:amount to,add up to
购买力:purchasing power
电脑犯罪:computer crime
网上购物:online shopping
虚拟经济:fictitious economy
第一产业(农业):primary industry
第二产业(工业):secondary industry
第三产业(服务业):tertiary industry
国内生产总值:gross domestic product (GDP)
市场调节:market regulation
国有企业:state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
私营企业:private businesses
中小企业:small and medium-sized enterprises
经济特区:special economic zone
高峰期:peak season
出境游:outbound tourism
满足需求:satisfy/meet the needs/requirements of
全民健身:national fitness
运动设施:sports facilities
运动场地:sporting field/ground; playing field
废旧的:derelict; deserted; old
健康管理:health management
医疗服务:medical service
烹饪文化:cuisine culture
饮食习惯:dietary habit
公众:the general public
急剧下降:decline sharply,on the sharp decline
人口老龄化 aging of the population
预期寿命 life expectancy
环境污染:environmental pollution
绿化水面:green water surfaces
美化公园:beautify gardens
净化水质:purify water
应运而生 emerge as needed/required
取决于 depend on;be decided by
网上冲浪:surf on the Internet
在网上:online; over/on/via the Internet
对…上瘾:to be/get addicted to
适宜:be suitable for
网页浏览:web browsing
网络世界:cyber world
虚拟世界:virtual world
电子设备:electronic device
科技发展:scientific and technological development
充电:update ones knowledge
缓解就业压力:alleviate employment pressure
城市化 urbanization
回收利用 recycle
资源枯竭 depletion of resources
节能减排:energy-saving and emission-reduction