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摘要:主题词的重要性在之前的课程和前文已经进行了相关说明,总结说明一下主题词的主要说明: 第一,由于大作文的主观性,对主题词的选择不能生搬硬套,在考试时同学们在保证不跑题的 前提下,应该选择自己比较容易论述…









(1)坚持 / 毅力:perseverance、persistence(坚持不懈),insistence、adamancy(坚持),

non-stop efforts(不停歇的努力),enterprising spirit(进取精神),


adhere to(坚持),indomitable(不屈不挠的),

fragile、vulnerable 、frail(脆弱的),give up halfway ( 半途而废 ),

lack of self-control ( 缺乏自控力 ),cowardice、cowardliness(懦弱),


(2)创新:innovative(创新的),innovation(创新), innovative minds(创新思维)


(3)独立:independence, self-reliance, self-dependence

(4)合作:cooperation, collaboration, teamwork, team spirit(团队精神),

sense of teamwork(团队意识),make joint efforts(齐心协力),

mutual benefits(双赢), win-win cooperation(双赢合作)

(5)理想:ideal, ambition, dream, goal,aspiration,

(6)勤奋:diligence, industriousness,painstaking efforts(不辞辛劳的努力)

(7)务实:down-to-earth, pragmatic, practical, take actions, put...into action(付诸行动)

(8)自信:self-confidence, believe in oneself,lack of confidence(缺乏自信),

(9)乐观:optimism, optimistic attitude, positive mentality

(10)悲观:pessimism, pessimistic attitude, negative mentality

(11)感恩:gratitude, gratification, sincere thanks

(12)诚信:honesty, credibility, trustworthiness,

keep ones words/fulfill ones promise(信守承诺)

(13)宽容:tolerance, open-mindedness, leniency, understanding

(14)谦逊:modesty, humbleness, humility,

(15)责任:responsibility, duty, obligation, shoulder/shirk ones responsibility(承担 / 逃避责任)

(16)勇敢:courage, bravery, gallantry, face up to the difficulties/setbacks(直面困难 / 挫折)

(17)谨慎:prudence, cautiousness, discreetness


(1)自然资源:natural resources

(2)节能环保:energy conservation and environmental protection

(3)垃圾分类:trash sorting, garbage classification

(4)全球变暖:global warming

(5)温室效应:greenhouse effect

(6)气候变化:climate change

(7)可再生资源:renewable resources

(8)低碳经济:low-carbon economy

(9)低碳生活方式:low-carbon lifestyles

(10)环保产品:environmental-friendly products

(11)绿色出行:green commuting

(12)公共交通:public transportation

(13)环境污染:environmental pollution

(14)生态平衡:ecological balance

(15)减少尾气排放:reduce exhaust missions

(16)可持续发展:sustainable development


(18)自然保护区:natural reserves

(19)空气质量恶化:deterioration of air quality

(20)水污染 / 空气污染 / 海洋污染:water/air/ocean pollution


(22)物种灭绝:extinction of species


(24)提高环保意识:raise environmental awareness

(25)自然灾害:natural disasters


(1)科技:science and technology

(2)科技创新:technological innovation

(3)科技成果:scientific and technological achievements

(4)科技进步:the advance of science and technology

(5)科技基础设施:science and technology infrastructure

(6)信息时代:information age/era

(7)信息安全:information security


(9)网上购物:online shopping

(10)线上学习:online learning

(11)线上支付:online payment

(12)虚拟生活:virtual life

(13)虚拟现实:virtual reality

(14)网络世界:cyber world

(15)网民:net citizens

(16)电子书:electronic books

(17)数字化阅读:digital reading

(18)人工智能:AI(artificial intelligence)

(19)智能设备:smart devices

(20)电脑犯罪:computer crime

(21)网上犯罪:cyber crime

(22)手机:mobile phone/ cellphone

(23)尖端技术:cutting-edge technology

(24)高科技产品:high-tech products

(25)网上交易平台:online trading platform

(26)双刃剑:a double-edged sword


(1)文化融合:culture blending/cultural integration

(2)文化交流:cultural exchanges

(3)中国传统文化: traditional Chinese culture

(4)外国文化:foreign culture

(5)主流文化:mainstream culture

(6)大众文化:public culture

(7)流行文化:popular culture

(8)文化多元化:cultural diversity

(9)精神文明:spiritual civilization

(10)精神升华:spiritual enhancement

(11)跨文化交流:cross-cultural communication

(12)文化差异性:cultural differences

(13)文化全球化:cultural globalization

(14)文化设施:cultural facilities

(15)弘扬传统文化:advocate/carry forward traditional culture

(16)文化繁荣:cultural prosperity

(17)文化遗产:cultural heritage

(18)文化宝藏:cultural treasures

(19)满足文化需求:meet cultural needs

(20)传播知识:spread knowledge

(21)文化认同:cultural recognition

(22)文化满足感:a sense of cultural satisfaction

(23)了解世界:learn about the world

(24)文化视角:cultural insights

(25)风土人情:local customs and practices

(26)拓宽视野:broaden ones horizon, open ones eyes


(1)公共道德 : public mortality/morals

(2)维护公共道德 : safeguard public morals

(3)遵守公德 : comply with public morality

(4)损害公共道德 : injure public morality

(5)道德缺失 : the lack of moral sense

(6)传统美德 : traditional virtues

(7)奉献 : dedication/devotion

(8)无私奉献 : selfless devotion


(10)遵守社会规则 : comply with social rules/regulations

(11)违反公共规章 : break/violate public regulations

(12)改进社会风气 : improve public morals

(13)奉行孝道 : practice filial piety

(14)信任危机 : the crisis of trust

(15)不公平竞争 : unfair competition

(16)欺诈行为 : dishonest behaviors

(17)剽窃抄袭 : plagiarism

(18)志愿者 / 志愿者活动 / 志愿服务 : volunteer/volunteering/volunteering service

(19)遵守交通规章 : observe traffic regulations

(20)尊老爱幼 : respect the old and cherish the young

(六)家庭类 / 两代关系类

(1)独生子女 : only children

(2)老人 : the elderly/the old/aged parents/senior citizens

(3)溺爱孩子 : spoil/dote on children

(4) 赡养老人 : support/take care of the elderly

(5) 关心父母 : show solicitude for parents

(6) 孝道 : filial piety

(7) 奉行孝道 : practice filial piety

(8) 人口老龄化 : population aging

(9) 老龄化社会 : aging society

(10) 代沟 : generation gap

(11) 扩大 / 缩小代沟 : widen/narrow generation gap

(12) 抚养孩子 : raise/bring up/nurture a child

(13) 二孩政策 : Two-child policy

(14) 啃老族 : the NEET group

(15) 相互理解 : mutual understanding

(七)大学生活 / 教育类

(1)大学生 : college students

(2)毕业生 : graduates

(3)研究生 : postgraduates

(4)校园生活 : campus life

(5)高等教育 : higher education

(6)深造,进修 : further ones study

(7)考研 : pursue postgraduate study

(8)出国留学 : study abroad

(9)素质教育 : quality education

(10)应试教育 : test-oriented education

(11)终身教育 : life-long education

(12)远程教育 : distance education

(13)义务教育 : compulsory education

(14)理论知识 : academic/theoretical knowledge

(15)实用技能 : practical skills

(16)理论联系实际 : integrate theory with practice/apply theory to practice

(17)创新学习 : innovative learning

(18)培养创新思维 : cultivate/foster creative thinking

(19)提高综合能力 : improve comprehensive abilities

(20)学习负担 : the burden of study/learning

(21)减轻学习压力 : ease/relieve academic pressure

(22)过大的学习压力 : excessive academic pressure

(23)课外活动 : extracurricular activities

(24)学生会 : the Students Union

(25)娱乐 : amusement/entertainment/recreation

(26)全面发展 : well-rounded development

(27)均衡发展 : balanced development


(1)偶像崇拜 : idol worship

(2)信息安全 : information safety

(3)食品安全 : food safety

(4)伪劣产品 : fake commodities

(5)城市化 : urbanization

(6)住房问题 : housing problem

(7)沉迷手机 : cellphone addiction

(8)电子书 : electronic books

(9)空巢老人 : empty nester

(10)网购 : online shopping

(11)人际交流 : interpersonal communication

(12)网络游戏 : online games

(13)交通拥堵 : traffic congestion

(14)盗版商品 : pirated products

(15)品牌声誉 : brand reputation



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